Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Assistive Technology

So after alot of whining and procrastinating i have eventually got round to writing this post again. Again you may ask??? Yes! Blogger the unreliable online programme decided it didn't like me and deleted two of my postings i had completed grrrrr... But to pass my course i must complete the task.. so here is the painful post about assistive technology re written for all you lovely people to read :)!

Wikipedia gives a very good definition of what  Assistive Technology (AT) is. Its states that "it is an umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. AT promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing enhancements to or changed methods of interacting with the technology needed to accomplish such tasks". So pretty much to expand on that a bit more assistive technology is about any piece of technology that is used to improve the functional performance of a person who has a disability.This can be anything from eg- a wheelchair and hearing aids to software and hardware that allows people with disabilities to use and devices that allow communication (Cook & Hussey, 1995).

For course we had a guest OT speaker Dave Speden who explained how he uses assistive technology in the setting he works in and brought along assitive technology devices that we got to look at and have a play with. This was absolutely fascinating as there were sooo many different devices that could be used. One piece of technology that caught my eye was switches. I was amazed at how many different types of switches there were and how this little piece of simple technology could control sooo many things.
Switches come in all sizes and shapes. They can be round, come in many colours, made of gel, hard, in shape of toys, flash, vibrate and can be used by push or sensored. That's just a little example of the thousands of different types there are. Switches can be used for turning things off and on all the way to the use of them for speech. Switches range from $55 for a round switch activated by push through to a $1000 for things like an impulse switch which works by sensors reacting to muscle contractions.

The best way to understand  switches is to have a look around on this site. It provides good examples of different types of switches available to people. The site shows what certain switches do and how people use them. It provides great videos of people actually using the switches which will give you a greater understanding into the purpose and use of them. See - http://abilitynet.wetpaint.com/page/Switches

Here is another site which shows different types of switches but shows the price as its focus is more about the selling and the promoting of the switches to people so they want to buy them.  See -  http://www.gstsdesigns.com/AssistiveTechnologySwitches/SingleActionSwitches.htm

The best way to describe and show you guys how much switches increase the functional performance of people with disabilities is to link you to two video clips from you tube. They are both related to the individual using switches to communicate with people. These videos are amazing and i recommend you take the time to watch them as they have truly opened my eyes up to the purpose of these switches. I had no idea these things were even possible until watching these clips and it has allowed me to see just how technology is truly making a difference in peoples lives.

And is here another but this young boy uses an eye and mouth switch. FASCINATING :)

I hope this has given you guys a greater understanding into the idea of how switches work. I think its absolutely amazing how this assistive technology can provide so much to a person. By the time i graduate who knows what the next amazing device will be getting used. People are so CLEVER to design this technology that provides such remarkable changes in peoples lives.


Cook, A., & Hussey, S. (1995). Assistive technologies: Principles and practice. St. Louis: Mosby

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Assitive technology. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistive_technology


Blogs of Interest and finally taking the big step of commenting on others blogs!

In this tutorial we got the chance to finally explore the wider community of blogging! We were to search and find other blogs relating to Occupational therapy. This task made me realise just how common and well used this blog business is. I mean I never thought of there being so many blogs with people expressing their opinions and sharing their knowledge to the world about everything and anything. By having the chance to explore it has made me feel much more comfortable writing on my blog as I have now realised that probably the only people that will read this is my lecturer and my classmates wanting to have a sneak peak at my work like I have been doing to them. I mean who in the world would really want to look at a student’s class blog ... I certainly wouldn’t when there is much more exciting, interesting and creative blogs to read and look at.

I have connected with 8 blogs which are to the right of the page under blogs of interest. I was only meant to have 5 but... i got to excited and wanted to connect with everything and everyones bloggs! So yet another great way to procrastinate and distract myself.

So now that I have became followers to the 8 amazing blogs I found... my next task was to comment on them. Now this is where I became shy and scared as I didn’t feel that confident to voice my opinion onto random peoples blogs so I stuck to the good old classmates which therefore meant if I made a fool of myself or commented wrong then it wouldn’t really matter and less people from the outside world would be able to see.

So those first initial thoughts of being scared and nervous to comment were actually... wrong! I ended up getting very carried away with commenting on other peoples pages and discovered it was much more fun providing feedback and positive reinforcement to them than it was posting blogs on my own page. Here is the link to examples of comments I posted onto pages,

And the second example from another classmates page -


Online Communities

I think Wikipedia sums up just nicely exactly what online communities are.
"An online community is a virtual community that exists online and whose members enable its existence through taking part in membership ritual. An online community can take the form of an information system where anyone can post content, such as a Bulletin board system or one where only a restricted number of people can initiate posts, such as Weblogs. Online communities have also become a supplemental form of communication between people who know each other primarily in real life. Many means are used in social software separately or in combination, including text-based chat rooms and forums that use voice, video text or avatars" (n.d.).

For this tutorial task i am to look at three online communities and i have chosen three that i participate in. These are
Facebook is a social networking site which is about the communication and sharing of information between people. On facebook you have the ability to post information, share photos, chat with people you know and comment on peoples status's. Facebook allows the communication  between people who no each other. I'm sure most of  you have heard of facebook as it has pretty much taken over the world... ok well that's a bit of an exaggeration but seriously these days who doesn't have it! Personally on my facebook i have something ridiculous like 400 friends! i mean seriously id be lucky if i talk to a quarter of them frequently. But yet i no everyone of them. If it wasn't for this site creating this community i would simply lose soo much connection with people as I'm sure most people would. Facebook allows communication at a whole different level. It provides ease as it is now quick and easy to communicate with people over huge distances, people you wouldn't normally talk to and is easy to type a quick post compared to that of writing a letter or texting. By moving away from  home Facebook has easily allowed me to stay in close contact with my friends and family from home. It allows me to hear about what they have been up to and look at photos they have posted and also allows me to leave comments back. This clearly shoes just how interactive facebook is as there are always people using it and communicating between each other. The topics being discussed on facebook vary very very much. This is because there are soooooo many different conversations going on between people from them talking about the weekend, sharing information on traveling and places they have visited, telling jokes and sharing important information about for example an assessment. As there are soo many topics it is hard to share with you guys examples of the site. Pretty much people talk about EVERYTHING! These days facebook is not only used by friends wanting to connect but is used for advertising for example by bands and artists, TV programmes and bars and clubs. These groups use facebook to advertise gigs, events, specials and sales they have on. However these days facebook has become very popular in being used for telling people events they are running. These days there is no such thing as invitations or a phone call about a party, a trip away or a group lunch it is all done through facebook. If you don't quite believe me i'l give you a wee example: in the last couple of days i have been invited to two 21st, to play two games of netball and invited to three parties. So what would have happened if i hadn't of checked facebook... i simple would have missed out! Crazy huh! Facebook is pretty much controlling individuals social life! However because of this social networking site becoming so well-known it is increasing the online community. Facebook is now allowing people to become more involved as it is easier to invite people to events as their is now no need to have to have their cell phone number or address to send them an invitation. Facebook has allowed ease between communicating and connecting people together.

Skype is a computer programme that allows communication between people through the Internet by the use of video. On skype people are able to talk to one another along with using a web cam which provides the image of the person. Skype is a FREE site and is definitely a step up in technology. There are not many sites that provide communication through video which allows you to see the person and is free. Skype is becoming a very popular community to be a part of. According to Wikipedia "skype has 633 million users in 2010" and this is constantly expanding. Skype is a way to connect with people. It is used more often for the communication between people in different geographical locations. By skype allowing the use of video this enhances the way people are able to communicate with each other. Compared to talking on the phone skype allows the conversation to feel more like the people are together in the same location. This is because they can see the person, see how they have changed, see their facial expressions and gestures. I cant give you an example of what people talk about on skype as it is not recorded because it is conversations between people. But I'm sure you are all imaginative and can think of many things people could talk about!
Skype also has provides a thing called skype community. This is where people can go to chat forums and learn information.  On skype community it allows people to learn how to use skypeskype, allows discussion about general topics and provides areas where people can gather help. Along with people posting questions it also allows individuals to reply back with answers which may help. This gives people the chance to feel apart of the community by helping one another with questions answered and receiving information on what they have asked.
Skype has increased communication between people by allowing the easy, FREE connection between people in different locations. Before this connections people would have to rely on receiving information through email which is not as easy to share information as skype is and is not as personal. Skype has allowed a greater connection as it does not cost like phone calls do and does not take the time of writing a letter because you can receive the reply straight back from the person. Although skype is an AMAZING tool there is still much progress needed to be made as it can be very temperamental with the quality it produces and often can not work due to Internet connections.

Trade me is an online site where people get to auction items they wish to sell. It allows people to bid, ask questions about the items and buy them. Items being sold can range from a property, to a car, to clothing, to appliances. Pretty much anything a person would want to buy could be found on trade me. When selling an item people are to put all the information there is possible about it. Buyers have the ability to be able to ask any questions with the seller answering. Trade me is a very commonly used site. People have to make an account when wanting to buy and sell products. Trade me is hugely run and works well by users being truthful. Sellers need to be truthful when talking and explaining about their item they are selling. Buyers need to trust that this person is telling the truth. Photos are usually displayed of the products to provide more information to the buyers and show off their product so people want to buy it. An example of conversations being held on trade me are - "When was the last time the cambelt was done on this car?" the seller replied with "The cambelt was done at 101,00km". By having an online selling site it provides people to be able to sell and get more people interested in buying their items and get a higher price. Compared to that of selling items within the community they reside in. Selling online has allowed people to decide to sell items instead of giving them away or throwing away. By the creation of trade me it has decreased the connection and communication between communities through diminishing such things as garage sales. These days people see the ease of putting their items online instead of having a garage sale where the community can come check it out. This means trade me has stopped things like bargaining between people occurring and stoped the connection between the community that use to occur because of these family week-end events.

 Ethical Considerations.

The ethical considerations for Facebook and Skype are very similar. Both of them allow the users to provide personal information bout themselves. When using these sites people need to be aware of how much information they should provide. Facebook has the setting to be able to make your page private to only allow friends to see you photos and information. Facebook allows people to send requests to be peoples friend. This minimises any hassle of people having unwanted people on their site as they can simply chose to not accept the as a friend. Facebook is very much used for the displaying of photos. Consideration needs to be taken when uploading photos on facebook, thinking if the people would want their photo uploaded. Skype does not have many consideration needed to be thought about. This is because you can only talk to people who you have accepted as a friend. Ethical considerations that need to be taken into account is how much detail you should give to your profile as many people will be able to view this. Users of this site need to be aware that when buying you have to share important personal details like bank account numbers, addresses and phone numbers.

This is just a small example of 3 online communities that i personally use. All these communities i find are very useful and a great way to connect together with people.


Wikipedia. (n.d.). Online communities. Retreived April 22, 2011, from  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_community

Video Productive session- youtube

You-tube is very well known. Im sure most of you have gone onto you tube to have a laugh, find information, listen to music, catch up on t.v shows, learn how to do something and watch something that you are interested in. You-tube has everything you could ever want to watch ! type in any-thing and im sure you'll find an answer!
Any one can post on youtube be that professional videos from large companys to people making home videos. Have a click on YouTube and go exploring. It is incredible what you will find.

I have been asked to find 5 videos on youtube that relate to one topic...  As I was struggling to decide what topic i should use, i received an email from the kayak club. I am going white water kayaking next week in murchison so im thinking as that is fresh on my mind, il give you some videos of an occupation i particpate in. Bare in mind that i am very new to this extreme sport and well actualy also very petrified about it! I have even got nerves searching for and watching these videos... eeeek four days untill i attempt it myself...

This first video  is of people paddling maruia falls! I picked this because in aproximatly 10 days i will be doing exactly the same! ARGH.... paddling off a 10metre waterfull.... crazy huh?. Apparently they tell me its safe? haha but unfortuantly as safe as they told me it was, last year i couldnt build up the courage to do it. So this is the year, the year 2011 of Grace's first decent off Maruia Falls. BRING IT ON !

The rest of my videos i will hyper-link just to save space on my blog. But i recomemnd to ALL of you that you look at them... Because they are awesome and have taken me years to find the perfect ones...

People Kayak all over the world and search for amazing water that has never been paddled before. This next video is of kayakers battleing water in Nepal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vxVZ3ha_0Y

The next video i thought i would post is about "how to roll a kayak" one of the many videos on youtube that can teach you how to partcipate in a task. Kayak rolling is a very important skill to have. This skill i have mastered when rolling on flat water however i struggle to do this when in rapids. 

Here is a video when things do not go to plan - 

My last video is about three teens paddling around  New Zealand. So young but yet they have AMAZING skills ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F57awIjtbPU&feature=related

Hope you enjoyed those videos and maybe they have sparked an interest for you! Il let you no how my week of extreme kayaking goes... argh fingers crossed all will go well!

Our award winning movie- Cash for coffee!

For this tutorial our task was to make a short film. Over coming diversity was the theme given to us and we had to come up with a story line incorperating this into our movie. I will give you a quick we run down on our film incase some of you could not understand  or you had trouble trying to watch it. It is about Marry-anne (beautifully acted by Georgie after alot of convincing that she was the one for the role) loosing her job. Its s chilly winters moring and poor Mary-anne is desperate for a warm drink from the coffee shop but unfortuantly has no money at all due to the loss of her job. Instead of Mary-anne becoming upset, depressed and giving up on life she uses her iniative and decides to bask for money by using her skill of juggling. She ends up gathering many coins and notes which she then heads off to buy her well deserved coffee.

You all may look at this short film and think man that would be easy to make! however that is not the case. There are many steps and processes involved in making a short film which i have discovered and now have a brief idea about. Who ever new that there could be so many diferent positions and angles and zooms you can do when filming. There is the wide shot, full shot, the extreme close up shot, the close up, the head and shoulders shot, the medium shot, the medium-long shot, the long shot, the extra long shot, the two shot and over the shoulder shot. So who ever thought that there would be that many shots! i certainly didnt.
Before you even begin shooting a film, you need to make a thing called a storey board. This is when you plan out each camera shoot you are going to film by drawing sketches in boxes which are called frames of what is going to be in the shoot. Where it will be, whos in the shot, how close up the camera will be, what the people will be saying etc. Here is a link explaining the process of making a story board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65_3bq_0eSY

Digital Imaging !

I LOVE taking photos! capturing memories, beautiful scenery and precious moments!

Digital imaging is prety much seen to be the processing, compression, storage, printing and display of images. Its about all the steps involved to create an image. Including the use of hardware, software and devices that store, transfer and maipulate digital images. Software and hardware are very much used in the process of digital imaging. The hardware and software i am comfortable and familiar with using are computers, digital cameras, memroy cards, USB hard drives, digital picture frames, video cameras, social networking sites, computer programes like picture viewer.

Digital images are a great way in which humans record keep! They provide memories of great times, provide story-telling opportunities and show other people whats been happening in that persons life. There are many ways photos are recorded and showen to people.

Facebook is by far the most used site in my life to record and show photos. Its a way to keep in touch with family and freinds, see whats been happening in everyone life- of travel, adventures they have been on and week-ends out. The use of digital imaging is used by so many other social net-working sites also.

Digital imaging can also offer information. Sites like Trade me use digital images as a way to sell products. The images provide information to people about the product they may want to bid on.

Sites like flickr are also another way to store and display images. This like facebook is a way to show family, freinds and the world photos you have captured. It keeps people up to date with what you have been up to. Its a great source of record keeping as its a way of managing your digital images and  is easily accessible.

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
This statement can be discussed at looked at through the idea of positive and negative affects of digital cameras compared to that of traditional film ones. With the advance in technology digital cameras allow us the ability to be able to take photos, veiw them before printing deciding if they are worth the hassle. Digital cameras allow us to put photos onto computers and photo shop them. These days its impossible to tell if the photo has been enhanced or if the photo was actually taken like you see it. Digital cameras do provide ease as their is no need to have to fiddle around trying to focus them. It takes 2minutes at a shop to print out 20 photos compared to traditional cameras where as their was an art to portraying the perfect image. Is start of the art technology changing or dimishing meaningful occupations?. The major difference i see between the two cameras is the fact that these days photos do not get printed as of often. I love going to peoples houses and flicking through photo ablums. I love looking at the albulms of my childhood and seeing the thousands of photos my parents printed off. These days, this does not happen and i think this is that saddest part of between the both. Even though its cheaper to not print them, its just not the same sharing memories and storytelling through looking at a computer screen.

Ethical issues are always going to arise from digital imagery and the way we use technology. Certainly the most obvious is putting photos onto the internet onto things like social networking sites without the permission of the people in the photo. Ethical issues can also arise through digital imaging if a person uses a photo of some sort without the permission of the person like using it to describe information, power points, as a way to show what not to do etc. Also another digital imaging ethical issue is the idea of pictures being taken of a person without them even knowing. Eg- Google street maps.

The use of digital imaging in occupational therapy has provided usefull ways to gather information, record client progress and help in the intervention. As technology grows i see digital imaging playing a major role in that of OTs treatment and intervention with clients. Digital imaging can provide a record of progress with people who have physical impairments, before and after shots of clients, can be someones meaningful occupation they particpate in, imaging may be used as communication tools. We recently had a lecture about technology and they spoke of the use of digital imageing - be that photos and videos, and how they posted these of a client onto a blog to provide the family with information on the progress he was making. I thought this was a clever yet very simple way to keep the connection with the family.