Well finally I have come to my last post. I hope you have all enjoyed reading my blog ... if anyone is out there reading it! I hope I have allowed you all to understand the importance of cooking to me. Within this blogged I have looked at the practical considerations, affordances, ergonomics, ambiance and the need of cooking for me! During this course I have discovered and realised that actually I am starting to enjoy cooking. I have realised that there is a need in my life to gain excitement, satisfaction and enjoyment out of this activity. Cooking provides me with independence and challenges which I enjoy solving.
Here is a list of 6 references and quotes I used...
1). “The gathering of nourishment, however, is not only necessary; it is also endless. Once done, it must be done again. Answering as it does to the requirements of life itself, it can end only with the end of life. The purpose of this activity is to provide for the seeds of consumption: food is taken from the earth, after all, in order to be consumed” (Green, 1968).
Green, T.F. (1968). Work, leisure and the American schools. New York: Random House.
2). "In any home, the kitchen is often the place where friends and family congregate. Sure, it’s where the food and the drink are, but kitchens are seldom just refuelling stations. Conversations, gossip humour and ideas flow freely in the relaxed atmosphere of the kitchen" (de Lore & Brooke-White, 2000).
de Lore, C., & Brooke-White, J. (2000). Every kitchen tells a story. New Zealand: Harper Collins Publishers Limited.
3). "Cooking has many functions, and only one of them is about feeding people. When we go into a kitchen, indeed when we even just think about going into a kitchen, we are both creating and responding to an idea we hold about ourselves, about what kind of person we are or wish to be. How we eat and what we eat lies at the heart of who we are as – Individuals, families, communities". (Lawson, 2004. p.7).
Lawson, N. (2004). Feast: Food to celebrate life. England: Hyperion.
4). Mahy (1988) writes “when I saw it, I said that’s art! I said, that’s what art is about. It’s a cake – yes – but not just a cake. It’s a statement in its own right. My dear, it’s got such passionate equilibrium.”
Mahy, M. (1988). The door in the air and other stories. London: JM Dent & Sons Ltd.
5). Visser (1986) states “Food is ‘everyday’-it has to be, or we would not survive for long”.
Visser, M. (1986). Much depends on dinner. New York: Grove Press.
6). Quote from the film Julie and Julia.
“I didn't understand for a long time, but what attracted me to MtAoFC [Mastering the Art of French Cooking] was the deeply buried aroma of hope and discovery of fulfilment in it. I thought I was using the Book to learn to cook French food, but really I was learning to sniff out the secret doors of possibility.” (Ephron, 2009).
Ephron, N. (Director), (2009). Julie and Julia: 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen [Motion picture]. North America: Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Here is the link to comments that I made on other peoples blogs.
Awesome story pip! I loved how by baking this cake, it lead and connected you to a whole lot of other things! The way you wrote the story showed how it’s not all about baking and had lots of examples of affordances within it. It would be good if you were able to unpick the examples of affordances out of the story so it would become clearer to the reader.
WOW Rachael!! Your photos are AMAZING! You have a wonderful talent!! Great work! I really enjoyed this post on your blog. You really went deep into yourself and your feelings to bring out how photography affords itself to you. I love how you have analysed your activity very carefully and are posting such enriched information for us to read. It would be awesome if you were able to put in a quote or definition to explain and back up your ideas about affordance at the beginning?
Keep up the wonderful snapping :)
Hey Matt. I am loving your blog! It’s full of sooo much meaning and passion! You seem to have an awesome grasp on the ideas of communication, connection and the aspects on your activity. The information provided is really enriched and you can tell you have obviously put a lot of thought into it, which is awesome. To help this post make a bit more sense to the readers (people outside of our course) it may help to explain and give a few definitions about affordance as communication, connection and aspects are all a part of it. Keep up the good work J
Hey Bean! Awesome job on your blog so far! I love how much quality information you have in this post around how cooking brings communication into your flat. Love how your flat has created a 'homely' feel! That must be such a nice environment and atmosphere to be a part of! Fantastic that you have gone out and found the reference about the movie chocolat. It could be helpful to you if you explain what affordance is and also talk about the other aspects of affordance- Connection and moral properties, good/bad aspects.
Keep up the good work :)
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